Sunday, April 22, 2007

lecture notes

Lecture notes
Title: Bastion Point Yvonne Hacke from unitec
Date: 20/03/07Subject: Recent history of Ngati Whatua (SECOND ANITA)
New Zealand is a multi-cultural country with a small population which many ethnic groups such as Maori, Asian, European and Middle Eastern. This lecture introduced one group of people in New Zealand society that is the Maori group. Also this lecture told about the Whitangi and a story about the people fight for Bastion Point.Bastion Point is located at one of most expensive areas in Auckland. It was 1840, Maori people welcomed the English to New Zealand and people made a deal with the Queen, which is that they share the power and let the English sell the land to others. In other words Maori sold land to English.The war between Maori and European was not just happening at recent time, it was1841. In 1841, 3000 acres were sold from One Tree Hill to Whau Creer, Ngati Whatua was paid 389 pounds and 10% net to Maori people. However crown resold the land at 8000 time more and did not keep the promise which was that after the war the land will be returned to the Maori people. The document said the land will be back after the war and was signed in 1840.
Finally 38 old women who were living in Ngati Whatua land write a long letter to support Maori to have the land back. The war between Maori and European does not finish. Maori people will continue to work on rights and believe they can win this war.

Monday, April 16, 2007

the day after tomorrow Film review

Film review The day after tomorrow
This movie takes a big budget, special effects- filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such level. The resulted of greenhouse effect and global warming in world wide disaster including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, flood and beginning of the ice age. At the center of story is a scientist professor called Jack Hall who tries to save the world from the effects of global worming while also trying to get his son Sam who was in New York City as part of scholastic competition. Finally Jake found his son, but unfortunately many lives have been loose which the prices people paid for pollution. This movie is warning people if equal system continues unbalancing there will be awful future for our son or grandson. By the way this is a great movie, it is valuable to have look and for my own I have been watch this movie at least 40 times ~~~~~~~~~ very good.