Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Effect of globalization on my life

We are living in the new technology age in 21st century, globalization become one of normal status.
Nowadays people can buy any thing from supermarket but the range of choice have become broadly then before. My life have been changing, new technology push me moving up and life become more comfortable , study become more conveniently actually I like those difference happed to me.
Here is one interesting story about me getting know how wonderful globalization is. When I first time came to New Zealand I did not know how to use computer, because my family says if I spend time on computer and then may be I will loose interest on my study so I came here whit no computer skill and no idea where gone use it for. When I fund I need the computer to do my home work I feed headache, so I began to lean some computer skill for my classmate, just few day after I can use some function. I can access website over the world, every day read the news form website and I can know what the happened about other country.

All in all, there are lot of benefit people can receive form globalization that is only a small piece, in my case I fund useful to learn how to use internet and realize that ours world enter a new technology age that because effect of globalization.