Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Report for Ron

To :Ron
From: Anita (198w)
Re: the Ren Min Theatre

The aim of this report is to introduce tourist in my hometown, this report will be describe the both positive and negative side about Ren Min Theatre in Fu Jiang. Why does people prefers to go to Ren Min Theatre and the facilities in theatre.

The reason people go to Ren Min Theatre is the location. It is located in the middle of central, if people live in the city, just need take 10 mines wake to theatre form any where of city. However, there is limited car park for people who are drive.

The music system in Ren Min Theatre is extremely good. There is a big and comfortable chair in the theatre and you can use lie down position because is extremely big chair. Although the theatre is good, the ticket fee was expensive, but despite this, the service was slow, some people compliant about unclear environment such as lot of paper on the site.

Overall Ren Min Theatre is good place to spend spread time, however I still need to outline about:
The limited car park in theatre ( suggest take walk and park car out side the theatre)
ticket fee was expensive