Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Should tobacco bend form retail shop and display?

Non smoker living with smoker 15% more likely to die ear (nz radio 2004)
a study published in 2004 on Radio Wellington researcher have found the risk of premature death is 15% higher for those exposed to second hand smoke.
Researchers looked at the mortality figures for more than 600.000 people 45-74 year old non- smokers identified in 1981 and 1996 censuses.

Smoke in dust risk to children (nz herald by Rebecca Walsh health reporter2004 May)

· American study, in British medical journal quarterly tobacco control journal shows that when someone smokes indoors. Second hand smoke particles are absorbed into walls, furniture, clothes and other surfaces. The smoke can remain in the home for months.
· Wellington hospital paediatrician Allan Farrell said that was particularly dangerous for children as they spent a lot of time indoors and often played on the floor, in close proximity to dust and objects contaminated by second hand smoke.
· DR Farrell said exposure to second hand smoke could trigger asthma attacks in children linked to glue ear and sudden infant death.
· About 350 New Zealander died as a result of second –hand smoke a year and one of the group’s aims had been to stop smokers exposing non –smokers to smoke.

Dip-trip 09/05/07 texb2 week9


It was a nice sunny day, we were around 35 people went to dip trip at Titirangi last week.

In our class, we were planning to have coffee at the Titirangi Mall, which is the second floor so we could see a nice sea view from the window.

After coffee we went to Cornwallis beach where we have had shared lunch. We are 6 people had an extra plant it’s fishing on the Cornwallis beach there had a wharf where we can be closed to the sea and more likely to catch fish.

That was my second time go fishing and last time I had a wonderful experience. This time I only catch one baby snapper, so I putted it back to the sea. Even then I did not catch any things but I had good time with Flint, Cindy and Bucao.