Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Dip-trip 09/05/07 texb2 week9


It was a nice sunny day, we were around 35 people went to dip trip at Titirangi last week.

In our class, we were planning to have coffee at the Titirangi Mall, which is the second floor so we could see a nice sea view from the window.

After coffee we went to Cornwallis beach where we have had shared lunch. We are 6 people had an extra plant it’s fishing on the Cornwallis beach there had a wharf where we can be closed to the sea and more likely to catch fish.

That was my second time go fishing and last time I had a wonderful experience. This time I only catch one baby snapper, so I putted it back to the sea. Even then I did not catch any things but I had good time with Flint, Cindy and Bucao.

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