Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007 personal profilc (second one)

Welcome every one who is visiting my Blog. My name is Anita from the South of China. I was born in Oct 1984 and now am 23 years old. When I was little I had a dream about study overseas and traveling around the world. When I was 19 I began my first step which was study in New Zealand and then I stayed in this country for three years until now. I was set a goal for myself which is to be a nurse. It is a hard work for me because my English was poor at that time and the English requirement for the nurse course is quite complicated, so in the following years I was spending all my time on learning English.
Now I am studies EAP course at Unitec. I have met some good class mates, we study together, play together. They tell me the Journey to succeed is difficult, but I will try my best.

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