Sunday, June 17, 2007

picture classroom 2

Pictures class rooms (anita)

Picture1 Picture2

This short paragraph goes to compare two pictures which are describing two different classrooms and different student in different situation.

Picture1 show that student all stetting at the one group, they are well organized in to 5 tables. In this picture, students are around ten to twelve. Picture2 have several different compare to picture1. Firstly student’s age in picture2 is little bit smaller than picture1 which is age around five to nine that could be in the primary school. Student is all sitting on the ground they are reading the books.

Secondly, the classroom space is different show on the pictures, that obviously picture1 are more space than picture2. There is very narrow space and student sited very close to each other in picture2.

Thirdly, class in picture1 is tidy and bright which is good environment for student study and good for student eyes as well compare to class room in picture 2. (160w)

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