Thursday, June 21, 2007

News verbs–weather (ANITA SECOND)
This weather report was published on nzherald and the topic is national weather summary.This weather report showed from Northland to northern Taranaki, including Taumarunui, Taupo, Bay of Plenty and Gisborne those places could be rain during the morning and afternoon. Some places will be have heavy falls, especially in the north and east, with isolated thunderstorms.In this news there have many different verb forms and different tenses such as Present Continuous, Future Continuous, Present Simple and Pass Simple.There are· 3 Present Continuous· 4 Future Continuous· 2 Present Simple· 3 Pass Simple

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

news verbs -wheather

This weather report is publishing in today's nzherald the topic is national summary.
This weather report shows form Northland to northern Taranaki, including Taumarunui, Taupo, Bay of Plenty and Gisborne where could be have rain during the morning and afternoon. Some place will be have heavy falls, especially in the north and east, with isolated thunderstorms.
In this news there have many different verbs form and different tens such as present continue, future continue, present simple and pass simple.
There are
· 3 present continue
· 4 future continue
· 2 present simple
· 3pass simple

Sunday, June 17, 2007

picture classroom 2

Pictures class rooms (anita)

Picture1 Picture2

This short paragraph goes to compare two pictures which are describing two different classrooms and different student in different situation.

Picture1 show that student all stetting at the one group, they are well organized in to 5 tables. In this picture, students are around ten to twelve. Picture2 have several different compare to picture1. Firstly student’s age in picture2 is little bit smaller than picture1 which is age around five to nine that could be in the primary school. Student is all sitting on the ground they are reading the books.

Secondly, the classroom space is different show on the pictures, that obviously picture1 are more space than picture2. There is very narrow space and student sited very close to each other in picture2.

Thirdly, class in picture1 is tidy and bright which is good environment for student study and good for student eyes as well compare to class room in picture 2. (160w)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Report for Ron

To :Ron
From: Anita (198w)
Re: the Ren Min Theatre

The aim of this report is to introduce tourist in my hometown, this report will be describe the both positive and negative side about Ren Min Theatre in Fu Jiang. Why does people prefers to go to Ren Min Theatre and the facilities in theatre.

The reason people go to Ren Min Theatre is the location. It is located in the middle of central, if people live in the city, just need take 10 mines wake to theatre form any where of city. However, there is limited car park for people who are drive.

The music system in Ren Min Theatre is extremely good. There is a big and comfortable chair in the theatre and you can use lie down position because is extremely big chair. Although the theatre is good, the ticket fee was expensive, but despite this, the service was slow, some people compliant about unclear environment such as lot of paper on the site.

Overall Ren Min Theatre is good place to spend spread time, however I still need to outline about:
The limited car park in theatre ( suggest take walk and park car out side the theatre)
ticket fee was expensive

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Picture compared 1


There are many differences between picture1 and picture 2. They are two photos in different places for people to live.picture1 is shows a place at urban area,in the village there are few cars and there only have small buildings. Picture 2 is shows a place at the centre of a city, probably a big city in Japan.

The population in picture 1 is very small, there are only 3 cars parked on the road side. Shop in this picture is nice and small. People can buy the things very convenient and needn’t to wait for a long time. Because of fewer cars, the air pollution is low and the environment is clear, if people can live in the type of place, it would be benefit for people health.

However, picture 2 is shows many people in the city, because of the large population are too noisy and there are too many cars on the road. But life in the city is colourful, there are lights everywhere, people can buy different county’s food on the street.

Sunday, April 22, 2007 personal profilc (second one)

Welcome every one who is visiting my Blog. My name is Anita from the South of China. I was born in Oct 1984 and now am 23 years old. When I was little I had a dream about study overseas and traveling around the world. When I was 19 I began my first step which was study in New Zealand and then I stayed in this country for three years until now. I was set a goal for myself which is to be a nurse. It is a hard work for me because my English was poor at that time and the English requirement for the nurse course is quite complicated, so in the following years I was spending all my time on learning English.
Now I am studies EAP course at Unitec. I have met some good class mates, we study together, play together. They tell me the Journey to succeed is difficult, but I will try my best.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

increasing number of woman having aborions in china

According to New York Times news reports is related to the increasing number of young or unmarried woman having abortions in big cities such as Shanghai and parts of Beijing in China.

According to the Times, many single, pregnant women -- including migrant workers, students, commercial sex workers and urban professionals -- face "enormous social stigma and shame" and have "few options beyond abortion."

The population were increasing rapidly in those big cities, because the lack of sex education and lack knowledge of safety contraception.

China government needs facing a big responsibility to reducing the larger number of abortions.

I use this article because it is hard for me to believe in China the young women and unmarried women to having sex before marry according to Chinese culture.

However, in this modern age people are more open mind than before, so it is important to providing course which teach women aware dangerous to have sex without any contraception.