Thursday, June 21, 2007

News verbs–weather (ANITA SECOND)
This weather report was published on nzherald and the topic is national weather summary.This weather report showed from Northland to northern Taranaki, including Taumarunui, Taupo, Bay of Plenty and Gisborne those places could be rain during the morning and afternoon. Some places will be have heavy falls, especially in the north and east, with isolated thunderstorms.In this news there have many different verb forms and different tenses such as Present Continuous, Future Continuous, Present Simple and Pass Simple.There are· 3 Present Continuous· 4 Future Continuous· 2 Present Simple· 3 Pass Simple

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

news verbs -wheather

This weather report is publishing in today's nzherald the topic is national summary.
This weather report shows form Northland to northern Taranaki, including Taumarunui, Taupo, Bay of Plenty and Gisborne where could be have rain during the morning and afternoon. Some place will be have heavy falls, especially in the north and east, with isolated thunderstorms.
In this news there have many different verbs form and different tens such as present continue, future continue, present simple and pass simple.
There are
· 3 present continue
· 4 future continue
· 2 present simple
· 3pass simple

Sunday, June 17, 2007

picture classroom 2

Pictures class rooms (anita)

Picture1 Picture2

This short paragraph goes to compare two pictures which are describing two different classrooms and different student in different situation.

Picture1 show that student all stetting at the one group, they are well organized in to 5 tables. In this picture, students are around ten to twelve. Picture2 have several different compare to picture1. Firstly student’s age in picture2 is little bit smaller than picture1 which is age around five to nine that could be in the primary school. Student is all sitting on the ground they are reading the books.

Secondly, the classroom space is different show on the pictures, that obviously picture1 are more space than picture2. There is very narrow space and student sited very close to each other in picture2.

Thirdly, class in picture1 is tidy and bright which is good environment for student study and good for student eyes as well compare to class room in picture 2. (160w)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Report for Ron

To :Ron
From: Anita (198w)
Re: the Ren Min Theatre

The aim of this report is to introduce tourist in my hometown, this report will be describe the both positive and negative side about Ren Min Theatre in Fu Jiang. Why does people prefers to go to Ren Min Theatre and the facilities in theatre.

The reason people go to Ren Min Theatre is the location. It is located in the middle of central, if people live in the city, just need take 10 mines wake to theatre form any where of city. However, there is limited car park for people who are drive.

The music system in Ren Min Theatre is extremely good. There is a big and comfortable chair in the theatre and you can use lie down position because is extremely big chair. Although the theatre is good, the ticket fee was expensive, but despite this, the service was slow, some people compliant about unclear environment such as lot of paper on the site.

Overall Ren Min Theatre is good place to spend spread time, however I still need to outline about:
The limited car park in theatre ( suggest take walk and park car out side the theatre)
ticket fee was expensive

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Picture compared 1


There are many differences between picture1 and picture 2. They are two photos in different places for people to live.picture1 is shows a place at urban area,in the village there are few cars and there only have small buildings. Picture 2 is shows a place at the centre of a city, probably a big city in Japan.

The population in picture 1 is very small, there are only 3 cars parked on the road side. Shop in this picture is nice and small. People can buy the things very convenient and needn’t to wait for a long time. Because of fewer cars, the air pollution is low and the environment is clear, if people can live in the type of place, it would be benefit for people health.

However, picture 2 is shows many people in the city, because of the large population are too noisy and there are too many cars on the road. But life in the city is colourful, there are lights everywhere, people can buy different county’s food on the street.

Sunday, April 22, 2007 personal profilc (second one)

Welcome every one who is visiting my Blog. My name is Anita from the South of China. I was born in Oct 1984 and now am 23 years old. When I was little I had a dream about study overseas and traveling around the world. When I was 19 I began my first step which was study in New Zealand and then I stayed in this country for three years until now. I was set a goal for myself which is to be a nurse. It is a hard work for me because my English was poor at that time and the English requirement for the nurse course is quite complicated, so in the following years I was spending all my time on learning English.
Now I am studies EAP course at Unitec. I have met some good class mates, we study together, play together. They tell me the Journey to succeed is difficult, but I will try my best.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

increasing number of woman having aborions in china

According to New York Times news reports is related to the increasing number of young or unmarried woman having abortions in big cities such as Shanghai and parts of Beijing in China.

According to the Times, many single, pregnant women -- including migrant workers, students, commercial sex workers and urban professionals -- face "enormous social stigma and shame" and have "few options beyond abortion."

The population were increasing rapidly in those big cities, because the lack of sex education and lack knowledge of safety contraception.

China government needs facing a big responsibility to reducing the larger number of abortions.

I use this article because it is hard for me to believe in China the young women and unmarried women to having sex before marry according to Chinese culture.

However, in this modern age people are more open mind than before, so it is important to providing course which teach women aware dangerous to have sex without any contraception.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

lecture note Frist Aid

Lecture summary 1

Title: First Aid (second) anita
Date: 8th may 2
Lecture: Dave Griffiths
Last week I heard Dave Griffiths give a lecture called First Aid . Dave is a First aid professional. During the lecture he showed the process of kiss of life and also taught in what situations we can give first aid. He pointed out 3 examples adults, children and babies.

When adults lose consciousness, firstly checks the person with nice voice see if the person can respond. If they still can’t wake up, try to open the air way. Softly put one hand on the forehead and use two fingers. Pull-up the chin slowly and feel the air with your ear. Secondly make sure to keep talking to the person with a soft voice and tell the person the processes of what is going to happen. Lastly, deliver a breath to the person’s mouth and look at the chest to see the movement. After doing that point out the person middle of chest and use two hands together to do CPR or heart massage.

The difference between children and adults is when giving CPR to child you only need to use one hand in the middle of the chest, because if using two hands together it may be possible to break the children’s rib. In some situation if a baby need to have heart massage you just need to put two fingers to do the CPR. CPR and first aid are the basic skill people need to learn to help anyone in danger.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Should tobacco bend form retail shop and display?

Non smoker living with smoker 15% more likely to die ear (nz radio 2004)
a study published in 2004 on Radio Wellington researcher have found the risk of premature death is 15% higher for those exposed to second hand smoke.
Researchers looked at the mortality figures for more than 600.000 people 45-74 year old non- smokers identified in 1981 and 1996 censuses.

Smoke in dust risk to children (nz herald by Rebecca Walsh health reporter2004 May)

· American study, in British medical journal quarterly tobacco control journal shows that when someone smokes indoors. Second hand smoke particles are absorbed into walls, furniture, clothes and other surfaces. The smoke can remain in the home for months.
· Wellington hospital paediatrician Allan Farrell said that was particularly dangerous for children as they spent a lot of time indoors and often played on the floor, in close proximity to dust and objects contaminated by second hand smoke.
· DR Farrell said exposure to second hand smoke could trigger asthma attacks in children linked to glue ear and sudden infant death.
· About 350 New Zealander died as a result of second –hand smoke a year and one of the group’s aims had been to stop smokers exposing non –smokers to smoke.

Dip-trip 09/05/07 texb2 week9


It was a nice sunny day, we were around 35 people went to dip trip at Titirangi last week.

In our class, we were planning to have coffee at the Titirangi Mall, which is the second floor so we could see a nice sea view from the window.

After coffee we went to Cornwallis beach where we have had shared lunch. We are 6 people had an extra plant it’s fishing on the Cornwallis beach there had a wharf where we can be closed to the sea and more likely to catch fish.

That was my second time go fishing and last time I had a wonderful experience. This time I only catch one baby snapper, so I putted it back to the sea. Even then I did not catch any things but I had good time with Flint, Cindy and Bucao.

Monday, May 7, 2007

my break (second)

My break (second 150w anita)
My BreakI had two week break at the Easter holiday this year, but the holiday was bore. Most of my friends go away on trips so I choice to stay at home because people are everywhere.

When you go to famous place for holiday, the food is terrible, because too many clients they need to take care. Accommodation was out of order basic on my previous experience. I was gone to supermarket, do the house work and cook for my mother.

At the first week, I was quite enjoining, but at the second week can’t stay at home any more. I was taking my cat and my family to the park and we BBQ at the park. My cat was running away, so I spend couple hours to search it.

Break can be colourful also can be boring but holiday away good, if have you well plan.


Book review dumpling (second)

Here is the custom in the building between Hong Kong and Shen Zhen. Women at the front desk waiting for passing people are called her Aunty Mei.

She has jobs which can magically leading back age. It is surprising to know that she is very rich and she has just selling dumplings. Those dumplings are very expensive to buy. The secret is she uses embryos instead of pork to make dumpling, some women believe that embryo is the best food for keeping a good looking skin.

Ai Qin Qin is a famous movie star, but was ten years ago, she married with a wealthy man for ten years, but now her life go into a difficult situation she is getting old and her husband had another girl who is younger than her.

Ai Qin Qin hear about most expensive dumpling in the world can leading back age, she go to Aunty Mei ask help.After the few visits, Ai Qin Qin accepted the embryo dumping. Actually she has improved but she wants to be faster because her husband has other woman. She can not wait, Aunty Mei has found an embryo which has an evil curse, but is powerful and come out with wonderful result.
Ai Qin Qin just wants to be young again so she takes this chance. After she took this dumping she totally different. But the terrible things happen to her.

At the end of the story she becomes a monster. (Now this book make into movies)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Effect of globalization on my life

We are living in the new technology age in 21st century, globalization become one of normal status.
Nowadays people can buy any thing from supermarket but the range of choice have become broadly then before. My life have been changing, new technology push me moving up and life become more comfortable , study become more conveniently actually I like those difference happed to me.
Here is one interesting story about me getting know how wonderful globalization is. When I first time came to New Zealand I did not know how to use computer, because my family says if I spend time on computer and then may be I will loose interest on my study so I came here whit no computer skill and no idea where gone use it for. When I fund I need the computer to do my home work I feed headache, so I began to lean some computer skill for my classmate, just few day after I can use some function. I can access website over the world, every day read the news form website and I can know what the happened about other country.

All in all, there are lot of benefit people can receive form globalization that is only a small piece, in my case I fund useful to learn how to use internet and realize that ours world enter a new technology age that because effect of globalization.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

lecture notes

Lecture notes
Title: Bastion Point Yvonne Hacke from unitec
Date: 20/03/07Subject: Recent history of Ngati Whatua (SECOND ANITA)
New Zealand is a multi-cultural country with a small population which many ethnic groups such as Maori, Asian, European and Middle Eastern. This lecture introduced one group of people in New Zealand society that is the Maori group. Also this lecture told about the Whitangi and a story about the people fight for Bastion Point.Bastion Point is located at one of most expensive areas in Auckland. It was 1840, Maori people welcomed the English to New Zealand and people made a deal with the Queen, which is that they share the power and let the English sell the land to others. In other words Maori sold land to English.The war between Maori and European was not just happening at recent time, it was1841. In 1841, 3000 acres were sold from One Tree Hill to Whau Creer, Ngati Whatua was paid 389 pounds and 10% net to Maori people. However crown resold the land at 8000 time more and did not keep the promise which was that after the war the land will be returned to the Maori people. The document said the land will be back after the war and was signed in 1840.
Finally 38 old women who were living in Ngati Whatua land write a long letter to support Maori to have the land back. The war between Maori and European does not finish. Maori people will continue to work on rights and believe they can win this war.

Monday, April 16, 2007

the day after tomorrow Film review

Film review The day after tomorrow
This movie takes a big budget, special effects- filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such level. The resulted of greenhouse effect and global warming in world wide disaster including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, flood and beginning of the ice age. At the center of story is a scientist professor called Jack Hall who tries to save the world from the effects of global worming while also trying to get his son Sam who was in New York City as part of scholastic competition. Finally Jake found his son, but unfortunately many lives have been loose which the prices people paid for pollution. This movie is warning people if equal system continues unbalancing there will be awful future for our son or grandson. By the way this is a great movie, it is valuable to have look and for my own I have been watch this movie at least 40 times ~~~~~~~~~ very good.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

maps history and photo

How to create a link in my post by using google maps and wikipedia and flickr
Here is a link to unitce in google maps
Here is a link in wikipedia at unitec
Here is a photo of unitec from flickr